
~You aRe whAt yoU beliEve~

Antara email terawal dapat.Saja post nak kongsi sama-sama.Just enjoy !!

The Message is really nice!!!

If you're mad with someone ,and nobody's there to fix the situation... You fix it . Maybe today, that person still wants to be your friend . And if u don't, tomorrow can be too late .

If you're in love with somebody , but that person doesn't know... tell her/him. Maybe today, that person is also in love with you . And if you don't say it, tomorrow can be too late .

If you really want to kiss somebody... kiss her/him. Maybe that person wants a kiss from you, too . And if you don't kiss her/him today, tomorrow can be too late .

If you still love a person that you think has forgetten you... tell her/him. Maybe that person have always loved you. And if you don't tell her/him today , tomorrow can be too late.

If you need a hug of a friend... ask her/him for it. Maybe they need it more than you do. And if you don't ask for it today, tomorrow can be too late.

If you really have friends who you appreciate... tell them. Maybe they appreciate you as well. That if you don't and they leave or go far away today , tomorrow can be too late.

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend." - Albert Camus

psst..: buat semua kawan2.Terima kasih sudi jadi penyeri hidup ini!!


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sePant@s mas@

sesingk@t hari

cerit@ say@

cerit@ say@
liFe luv u bEing a pArt of it aNd i luv u beiNg a paRt of mE

tentang s@ya..

My photo
blajar sepanjang hayat (^_^)


pewarn@ hiduPku

